Kontrollierte Laser-Akupunktur bei Pferden und Hunden

Das Buch ist natürlich in erster Linie für Tierärzte geschrieben. Aber auch für die übrigen Mediziner dürfte es durchaus sehr lehrreich und interessant sein, da man nicht nur die gesamte Akupunktur vom Menschen auf das Tier übertragen kann, sondern auch umgekehrt die veterinärmedizinischen Erfahrungen praktisch 1:1 für den Menschen übernehmen kann.

Fast alle Krankheitsbilder sind mit ihrer kompletten Vorgehensweise in der Akupunktur mit vielen Bildern anhand von konkreten Fallbeispielen dokumentiert worden. Es wurde sehr großer Wert auf eine auch für den westlich denkenden Mediziner verständliche und nachvollziehbare Erklärung der klassischen Akupunktur gelegt. Dadurch ist, denke ich auch, die Symbiose von traditioneller und moderner, kontrollierter Akupunktur recht anschaulich gelungen. Hierzu tragen sicherlich auch die zahlreichen meistens farbigen (fast 150) Fotos, Zeichnungen und Meridianmappen bei.

Außerdem sind erstmalig die Meridianverläufe nicht nur nach vergleichend anatomischen Gesichtspunkten vom Menschen auf das Tier übertragen worden, sondern zusätzlich die Punkte mit den spezifischen Laser- Meridianfrequenzen und über die Resonanz zu Blütenessenzen konkret beim Tier über die RAC/VAS- Tastung gefunden worden.

Prof. mult. h.c. / China Dr. Frank R. Bahr, München, 19.05.2003

Congratulations with this new book Dr. Uwe Peterman.  On several occasions I was able to follow your demonstrations of RAC controlled laseracupuncture.   I am glad we can now all read and study your approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine.  In this book I found a clear introduction to classical acupuncture and points and meridians location in horses and dogs.  But more important is the approach of a real laser specialist like Uwe to acupuncture.  Dr. Peterman combines modern top of the art laser therapy with the knowledge of Dr. Nogier, the use of the changes in the pulse to diagnose and to treat his patients.

This book contains a clear scientific explanation on laser technology and action on the tissues.  Direct therapeutic action of the laser is described on injuries and local inflammation, but also how the laserbeam stimulates the acupuncture point.

RAC and Dr. Nogiers pulse diagnose are explained from beginners level on, so we can really start to use this tool in our practice. What is more unusual for an acupuncture book, mainly used in “Neuraltherapie” is the discussion of “Störfeldern” , a pathology that is unknown to many acupuncturists, and the cause of many problems in therapy.

What the reader will enjoy most are all the cases that are demonstrated in this book, the proof that Dr. Uwe Petermans method of therapy is successful in many patients.

Thank you Uwe for sharing your knowledge and healing arts with us all.

Emiel Van den Bosch, DVM, 05.2003, A Friedn for ever

Dear Reader, March 2003 I got the first out-print of Uwe Petermanns book “Akupunktur bei Hund und Pferd” on my desk, and after reading it through I was highly impressed.

In this book he shows his fellow-veterinarians, two important and unfortunately neglected medical systems, originally discovered and developed by doctor Paul Nogiér in 1952. doctor Ferdinand Hunecke in 1928.

Dr. Med. Vet. Uwe Petermann is today one of the leading veterinarians who is able to take these proud and important traditions into the veterinary field, and he may be considered as a mixture of the two great doctors described above. He is one of the greatest advocates of using the pulse when diagnosing disease in animals. Without use of the pulse it is very difficult to go beyond the symptomatic treatment of diseases. This book also takes the neural therapeutic tradition derived from Hüneche into the veterinary field. To find the “Störfeld”, it is often necessary to use the pulse.

To give the knowledge of the pulse and the neural therapy to his veterinary colleges, is today of  the utmost importance. Without these two methods, we will stand in front of the animal without the possibility to find the deficient process, and the possible blockage of earlier wounds and trauma leading to this deficiency.

The book also shows us by numerous examples how this may be done in practise, and how we by this may relieve our animals from their symptoms of disease.

I welcome this book, and wish that colleges who just search for painful spots and areas will read it, and thus will be given the opportunity to develop further into the wonderful land that Uwe shows us.

Are thoresen, DVM, Sandefjord, 09.04.2003