Equine an Canine Ear Chards

In 1989 I started by creating the Equine Ear Chards. They support us to lokalizing the ear Acupuncture points in lameness in Horses (see my first Equine orthopedic Ear map from 1989).

Later on I created ear chards for dogs to diagnose and treat lameness in dogs by Ear Acupuncture. Later on for my German Ear Acupuncture book I created ear chards for organ points and psychic points for both species.

Finally I transposed all body acupuncture points into the dogs and horses ears. From all these maps with all these diffrent points I composed the Equine and Canine Auricular Maps or Ear Chards.

Equine Ear Chards

Equine Ear Chards content all Auricular Maps for orthopedic point localizations, organ points, psychic points and all the pathways of the meridians at the ear (one special chard for each meridian), maps with points for flower essences, spinal cord etc. The maps are printed in high quality colored A4.

For order click the PayPal button an insert the amount of 24 USD (shipping included)

Canine Ear Chards

Canine Ear Chards content all Auricular Maps for orthopedic point localizations, organ points, psychic points and all the pathways of the meridians at the ear (one special chard for each meridian), maps with points for flower essences, spinal cord etc. The maps are printed in high quality colored A4.

For order click the PayPal button an insert the amount of 24 USD (shipping included)